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Re-Imagined South Dallas; Design Competition
Ink, Colored Pencil and Marker, 2018
Competition Brief
It is an unfortunate fact, and not an exception in South Dallas, that there is an imaginary wall/boundary separating one neighborhood from another. This design competition has designers pose a series of interventions which can serve to break this wall by reintroducing existing amenities in a new context, blurring the boundaries of public and private spaces and inviting all users to engage in a shared and fulfilling life.
Project Description
The 68-acre site is anchored by the new pedestrian James Madison Plaza with its educational, recreational, and commercial functions. The design maintains the existing street grid, promoting pedestrian circulation through 1) the James Madison Plaza by taking portion of the ML King Boulevard underground; 2) the re-activated commercial streetscape along ML King Boulevard; and 3) the residential courtyards within each city block. These detail-rich, pedestrian open spaces are designed with flexible components to accommodate various event programs, offer inviting retreats, and facilitate an active lifestyle that supports the community’s physical, social, and economic health. With inviting pedestrian zones, bike infrastructure, DART rail and bus, users have a range of transportation options to access and move throughout the site. Sustainable design strategies are incorporated throughout the site with bioswales, photovoltaics, green roofs, and a tubular photobioreactor algae system to reduce CO2 emissions from the highways. Heat island effect is minimized through underground parking and landscaped courtyards with local plants.
© 2023 Ryan Chester
Website Design by Dissect Architecture
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